
18 Aug

I was gonna title this
Dreams Dashed
Broken Dreams

until I got an email from my Soli Deo Gloria group leader, Jean.
The SDG captain, Jen, has been encouraging us to TRUST for a while.
My leader, Jean, just let us know that a new theme is coming: “Release, Renew, Refresh”

That’s it.
(and a much nicer way to say it, I might add! Thanks, Jen!)

I have a new appreciation for Joseph.
A dreamer.
With lofty dreams.
Big dreams he believed in,
and believed they came from God.

Did he wonder about his dreams
in the pit,
in Potiphar’s house,
and in the prision ?
Did he think his dreams had been dashed?
Did he think his dreams were broken? dead?

teachingThat’s where I’ve been the past two weeks.
Which is really ridiculous, considering that I’m not in any kind of pit or prison.
Actually, what’s happened in our lives is a good thing overall.
Just a big change, and one that I didn’t expect.


Three weeks ago God turned my plans upside down. I’ve been a stay at home, homeschooling mom for the past 14 years after leaving the classroom when our oldest was born. The plan was to continue homeschooling this year. Until I got a call to interview on a Wednesday for a 4th grade teaching position that started on Monday – in 4 days! Not what I wanted, not what I planned, but what God said do. (And He didn’t give me ANY time to think it over because He knows me too well & He knows better! :-))

1st day jitters

Our adjustment these past few weeks has been a good one. So what’s the struggle? What’s the connection to Joseph? Well, I feel like all my dreams just died. I certainly don’t see how any of the dreams or plans I had is going to work out now.

Today in worship, I thought about those dreams,
and how I need to throw them at the foot of the cross,
whether they’re whole or in pieces.
I know God’s plans are best.
And I know He’s in the business of rebuilding better than I could.

I just have to be like Joseph and trust,
in those times when the dreams look dark and dead,
that God is working all things for my good.

I’m glad Jen had a nice title for this post –
one that gives me a different perspective!


Posted by on August 18, 2013 in Uncategorized


5 responses to “Released

  1. bluecottonmemory

    August 20, 2013 at 11:03 am

    Congratulations on your job:) On New Things Growing! Sometimes God makes big shifts to bring His plan and our dreams more in line. I’m always so short-sighted about what He wants:) Wishing you blessing in the adjustment for both you and your boys!

  2. Dolly@Soulstops

    September 26, 2013 at 1:59 pm

    Dear Michelle,
    So good of you to recognize God’s hand even in this unexpected change in your life…it was many years before Joseph saw the dream God gave him come to life and I wonder how he struggled as he was in prison unjustly…praying today God encourages you and I bet you are blessing your fourth graders and may God give you and your family grace as you adjust 🙂

  3. acupofearlgreywithme

    September 29, 2013 at 3:05 pm

    Michelle, Just catching up on your blog and read this. I’m trying to get them via email, because my Google feed no longer alerts me to a new post. Congratulations on your new direction. You are an amazing teacher! That school will be blessed to have you! 🙂 Much love!

  4. Courtney Rogers

    January 1, 2014 at 9:12 pm

    You are just as lovely as I remember, Michelle. Your sons are so handsome! I kind of stumbled upon you, here, so thought I would say hi! Your old pal, from FBA days, Courtney.

    • Michelle Eichner

      January 1, 2014 at 9:50 pm

      What a blessed way to start 2014!! You made my night, my friend! I’m so glad you stumbled on me here and decided to say Hi! Thanks, girl!


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